How to have multi-media motorhome entertainment
Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you have to forego your multi-media indulgence.
In this post I’m going to share with you the things that I have in the motorhome that keep me entertained during those self indulgent moments, whether it’s the morning, the evening or whilst having a cup of tea in between.
It’s the start of the day, I’m up and about, looking out of the window at the views and congratulating myself on choosing such a great little spot to park the motorhome. The kettles on, the breakfast is cooking and the first bit of multi-media tech springs into life.

Playing on my Bluetooth speaker (Check out my review) and controlled through my iPhone is an aptly named playlist, ‘Perfect day’. Spotify, if you haven’t heard of it is a music streaming service and is one of, if not the leading music streaming service. It gives you access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world. Basic functions such as playing music are totally free, but you can also choose to upgrade to Spotify Premium.
You can choose what you want to listen to with Browse and Search.
Get recommendations from personalized features, such as Discover Weekly, Release Radar, and Daily Mix.
Build collections of music.
See what friends, artists, and celebrities listen to.
Create your own Radio stations.Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and you can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect.
Spotify is great for me in the motorhome, I don’t have to take CD’s and literally have access to every song I can ever think of instantly so whether I’m driving or making a cup of tea, music is often accompanying me on my trip.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A
As I sit at the table, sipping my freshly made cup of tea and eating the bacon and egg breakfast barm I’ve just made, I check up on the latest news on the BBC News app on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A (Check out my review). Having looked at the days affairs I have a quick look at facebook (well it would be rude not to) before checking out the places I’m going to see and visit today.
I use the tablet for a multitude of things so checkout my reviews of the apps I use for my trips here.
Having eaten, checked out what’s going on in the world and had a peek at what my friends are up to I set off for the days activities.
Evening Entertainment
I’ve been out all day, it’s now later in the evening and I’m winding down after the days activities. I press a button and my Snipe satellite (Check out my review) springs into action. There’s something immensely satisfying when it locks itself into position having found the satellite. I slide the Avtex TV (Check out my review) out of the cupboard on it’s clever little bracket and settle down to watch some TV.
If there’s nothing I fancy on the satellite or digital TV channels I can always stream content from Netflix, Youtube or the other choices of streaming services found on my amazon fire stick (Check out my review).
Occasionally if I can’t use the satellite, usually due to my poor selection of parking, or if there’s no wifi available for my amazon fire stick, like every good boy scout, I always come prepared. Actually I never was a boy scout but the motto is still applicable. On these occasions I use my WD (Western Digital) media hub (Check out my review) on which I literally have hundreds and hundreds of movies stored. It’s nearing the time for bed, I rotate the TV and watch the movie from the comfort of my bed. Lights out and I look forward in anticipation to what new adventures tomorrow will bring as I fall asleep.