What do people think of Hondas Monkey bike?
Few things seem to bring a smile to peoples faces these days, that is until you introduce the Honda Monkey bike.
When I rode my previous bike a Suzuki DL650 XT V-Strom, which I thought was a good looking bike, quite a few people agreed, commenting on it being a “nice bike”.
What I noticed that was different when I rode the monkey bike was that people not only have a glancing look, but a smile and appreciation of something fun seems to shine over their face. I may be wrong and they might actually be smiling (laughing) at me and not the bike. Do I care? No, because the Monkey is just so much fun. (Check out my test ride here)

A smile to the faces of others
Yesterday I went looking for some new riding gloves and general accessories in a nearby motorcycle shop. The shop happened to be a dealer in number of brands of motorcycle, unfortunately not Honda, not that it matters.
On my way out, having not found what I was looking for, I noticed a member of sales staff coming back into the showroom. He had walked passed the parked Monkey bike and I couldn’t help notice a beaming smile across his face. As he passed me I heard him ask his colleagues if they had seen the banana yellow monkey bike parked outside?
By the time I reached my bike, I noticed that a line had formed behind me. Not dissimilar to the ‘conga’. A number of sales staff were following me outside, hurriedly gathering to ask questions and admire the little beast. In between the usual bike questions, one asked if they could be cheeky and sit on it? Of course I didn’t mind and happily let them share the joy I experience with the little fellow. After one got off, it was another persons turn to sit astride the little bike and try it out for size. Photographs were taken and there were smiles all round, I think I can say the little monkey was popular.
It wasn’t dissimilar to the excitement a child experiences when trying something new for the very first time. The joy, the fun and the anticipation that it brings. Thats the point, if a motorbike can bring a smile not only to your face but to others too, then that has to be a good thing.