Motorhome owners warned of three easily overlooked rules that could lead to fines of up to £2,500
An insurance company has issued a warning to motorhome owners about three rules which could be easy to overlook yet could result in fines of up to £2,500 and points on their driving licence.
The offseason may be a time when ‘van owners generally think about any motorhome maintenance that needs doing or buying any necessary bits of kit that are needed in preparation for upcoming tours.
However, Ripe Motorhome Insurance is urging motorhomers to also use the winter months to refresh their knowledge of the less well-known rules that could otherwise result in hefty fines, from ensuring you are towing safely and legally to avoiding “vehicle overloading”.
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1. Know your towing laws
Firstly, if you are towing a car with your ‘van, you need to stick to the following speed limits:
- Single carriageways: 50mph
- Motorways and dual carriageways: 60mph
That’s not all – do not take the outside lane on the motorway when you’re towing, and make sure you are aware of the relevant motorhome weights and your ‘van’s towing capacity first.
Be sure to have the appropriate towing equipment too – towing mirrors will be required if you’re towing a vehicle which is wider than your motorhome – a potential fine of up to £1,000 and three points could await motorhome owners who do not have them.
Don’t forget to check you have the appropriate motorhome driving licence too.
2. Avoid “vehicle overloading”
Points on your licence and fines of up to £300 could await motorhome owners who have carried out “vehicle overloading”, where there are more passengers in the ‘van than it is legally permitted to carry.
It’s worth highlighting that the number of berths in a motorhome does not always equal the number of seat belts.
It’s also important to remember that while side facing seats may not be illegal, you should not fit extra belts to cater to additional passengers – it’s not only dangerous but could also cause you to exceed the legal amount of passengers the motorhome can carry, a figure which can be found in its V5.
3. Drinking when parked up
The thought of a nice cold beer after pitching up at your chosen campsite is always an enticing thought. However, Ripe has warned ‘van owners that “Being in charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink can land you with up to three months in prison, up to £2,500 in fines and a potential ban” and of the “grey areas when it comes to drinking alcohol” in a motorhome.
What you need is proof that you are not intending to drive the motorhome again after you’ve enjoyed your tipple. For instance, putting down the steadies or having the steering lock in position provides clear signs that you are not planning to drive off again. Two things to never do – have a drink while sitting behind the wheel or start up the engine after exceeding the legal limit.
John Woosey, Founder of Ripe Motorhome Insurance says “Brushing up on your knowledge is vital to ensure you’re keeping passengers, other road users and yourself safe while enjoying your motorhome. While many of us might not be heading out during the winter, using this downtime to refresh your understanding of motorhome rules will put you in good stead once the warmer months roll around and this will help avoid any costly fines in the process.”
Don’t miss our top tips on how to reduce the weight of your motorhome – there are numerous things you can do for free that can help.
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